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Does Health Insurance Cover Dermatology?

Dermatology Examination Room

Health insurance in America is a tricky situation to navigate. Based on your personal information and needs, you may have some questions or requirements of your insurance that are completely unique to you. One of these needs may be your skincare or any questions you have for a dermatologist. If you’re someone who struggles with acne, skin cancer, or other intense issues with your skin, you may need regular dermatology treatments.

The last thing you want to do is pay an exorbitant amount for necessary treatments. Avoid high price tags when you research if your dermatology appointments are covered by your health insurance. This may require changing things up or looking into additions to your current policy. The key is to find cheaper ways to afford the treatments you need, whether they’re cosmetic or completely health-related. Here are a few answers to your overall question of whether or not your dermatology treatments are covered by your health insurance.

Control your health insurance with policy comparison sites.

The biggest thing you want is control over your health insurance policy. While many people get their health insurance through their employer, you may also be looking at the general market. Sites like Policy Scouter can help you find the best policy for you and your family. Plugin your individual needs and directly compare different prices and policies. You’ll even be able to see right there if dermatology is included in the policy you’re looking at. Get all the necessary information and know what is covered and if you’re overpaying for your health insurance. Sites like this give you all the tools to take back control of your health and get the right insurance coverage for your specific needs.

First, try your hand at your own skincare routine.

Dermatology treatments are the ultimate solution for tricky or health-related skin issues. If you are just having simple, cosmetic problems, you may want to try your hand at solving them on your own before committing to a dermatologist. There are so many serums and treatments available today that could be a great solution for you. A great example of this is rosehip oil for skin. Enjoy this natural and organic oil that can rejuvenate your skin with the right vitamins and nutrients. This can help mature, blemished, dry, or problematic skin with an extra level of moisture that will help you feel younger and freshen your skincare routine. Of course, any serious issues should be discussed with a doctor, but consider trying other methods to help save some money.

Make sure you go with a dermatologist that’s in-network.

There are a few different forms of health insurance that may or may not cover dermatology. Health Maintenance Organization plans will often require you to have a referral from your primary care doctor to see a specialist. With a Preferred Provider Organization plan, you will have a little more leeway. Just be sure to check if your dermatologist is within your network or not. When they are, you’ll only need to pay a small co-pay. If not, you’ll be expected to pay a lot more out of pocket. Checking this upfront can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Know if your treatments are more necessary or cosmetic.

Some skin care treatments are to help with health-related issues like constant acne, tissue damage, skin cancer, or other problems. Dermatology visits for these are often covered by insurance because they’re a part of your overall health. Purely cosmetic treatments like spa facials or anti-aging creams will not be covered by health insurance or reimbursed by any sort of health savings account. Work to prioritize what you truly need so you can focus on cosmetic treatments later.

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